Individual Programming


We offer semi-individualised versions of our programs where you work alongside a coach to adapt the weeks training to fit your goals, ability and lifestyle.

Why go individual?: This style of programming will be very beneficial for athletes that have specific weaknesses they want to develop, athletes that are training around limitations or athletes that need advice and feedback on intensity, volume and technique.

The Service: This is a semi-individualised style of programming, meaning that the training you do will be modified from the core values of the Prepared Program so you can still train as part of the community but the training will be tailored to fit your needs. You can expect about 50% of your program to be custom fit for you and the other 50% to be taken from one of our Compete programs.

After filling out the small questionnaire below our coach will be in contact as soon as possible. If you both decide to proceed with the coaching then your program will be available on the Fitr platform and updated on a weekly basis.
Your coach will monitor your results and feedback through the Fitr app and then have weekly reviews via WhatsApp/email and a monthly progress call.

The cost: Individual coaching costs 150 euros per month. You can cancel your subscription at any time. We strongly suggest that you consider a minimum of a 3 month commitment to individual coaching so you and your coach can build a relationship and see some great progress! You will not be charged anything until you have had chance to speak with your coach and have had an initial discussion with them.

How to start: Fill out the form below. This will go straight to Prepared HQ where you will be assigned a coach if there is one available. Someone will get back to you ASAP so you can begin your progress with us. We aim to get back to all requests within 24 hours.