SEK 150.00

Looking to increase your core strength and stability? Look no further! This is our 6 week ‘home edition’ core program, which of course can be done in the gym as well. Here's some important things to know: The program requires no equipment for most session. Each session lasts 8-12 minutes meaning you can fit it in to ANY busy schedule. There are 3 sessions per week (which you can choose days for) so this would be perfect for beginners to get started or equally good for the more advanced to add to your usual workout routine. The program lasts for 6 weeks, which is plenty of time to see some great results.

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Looking to increase your core strength and stability? Look no further! This is our 6 week ‘home edition’ core program, which of course can be done in the gym as well. Here's some important things to know: The program requires no equipment for most session. Each session lasts 8-12 minutes meaning you can fit it in to ANY busy schedule. There are 3 sessions per week (which you can choose days for) so this would be perfect for beginners to get started or equally good for the more advanced to add to your usual workout routine. The program lasts for 6 weeks, which is plenty of time to see some great results.

Looking to increase your core strength and stability? Look no further! This is our 6 week ‘home edition’ core program, which of course can be done in the gym as well. Here's some important things to know: The program requires no equipment for most session. Each session lasts 8-12 minutes meaning you can fit it in to ANY busy schedule. There are 3 sessions per week (which you can choose days for) so this would be perfect for beginners to get started or equally good for the more advanced to add to your usual workout routine. The program lasts for 6 weeks, which is plenty of time to see some great results.